A Good Place To Start: Formal Dining Room

Clyde Obbink

Introduction The dining room is one of the most important rooms in your home. When you entertain, your guests will be sitting at the dining room table for hours, so you need to make sure the furniture is comfortable and has plenty of room for everyone. This space is a […]

How to remove water stains from wood furniture

Clyde Obbink

Introduction Water stains are common on wooden furniture, especially if it’s left out in the rain or subjected to condensation. While it may seem impossible to remove water stains from wood furniture, there are actually several methods you can try at home. Clean the furniture. Once you’ve determined that your […]

How to Choose Classic Home Furniture

Clyde Obbink

Introduction Oops! Click Regenerate Content below to try generating this section again. Consider Your Room’s Size When it comes to buying classic furniture, you want to make sure that the pieces you choose fit into your home. The size of the room and how much space you have are important […]

How to Reupholster A Couch

Clyde Obbink

Introduction I will say at the outset, I’d rather pay someone to reupholster a couch than do it myself. But I am also a huge advocate of DIY projects and thriftiness, so when my husband and I decided to refurbish our living room furniture—and save some money doing it—I went […]

Home Furniture + their prices

Clyde Obbink

Introduction Furniture allows you to create a home for yourself. It’s something that can last for decades, which makes it worth investing in. But how do you know if the piece of furniture is worth buying or not? The price is one factor that can help you determine whether a […]

How To Have A Healthy Home

Clyde Obbink

Introduction There’s nothing like coming home to a clean, comfortable space. As the day winds down and you relax, it’s the perfect time to take care of things that have been on your mind all day—like cleaning up that kitchen sink or sweeping the dust out from under your bed. […]